5Acerca de Daniel Meier
Dani Meier is a born and raised New Zealander who, after arriving in Switzerland in 1988, became one of Europe’s most exposed professional snowboarders. During his decade long career, Meier gathered creative momentum and now owns a very successful content agency that caters to clients’ advertising production needs. With offices in Europe and the USA, it has become a reputable partner for both global and regional content creation needs. When not in Portland Meier is either on set or travelling between offices (Portland, London, Biarritz). However, as busy as it gets, Meier's downtime is enjoyed, together with his wife Eve and their daughter Lani, lapping up sunny, surf-laden days at their 1900’s Villa retreat in Biarritz on the SW coast of France, or in their restaurant . OR if you're not renting it, he will be in his pride and joy, the RV ATV #BORNFREE4x4!!!! Coaching: Instagram:
51 caravana disponible para alquilar
Recuerdos de viajes con las caravanas de Daniel Meier
Caleb N.
5agosto de 2024
2 fotos enviadas por Caleb N.
Rebecca B.
5julio de 2024
Jamie C.
5agosto de 2022
Ethan Z.
5noviembre de 2020