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Acerca de Sara Hage

Hello! My wife Allison and I purchased Pepper in January 2021 and are excited to share her with all of you. We are weekend trippers and outdoor enthusiasts who wanted a softer, drier place to lay our heads when on camping trips. We have enjoyed taking her around Illinois and Wisconsin and are looking forward to longer trips out west. We hope you enjoy Pepper as much as we do. She's a spicy little thing!

Miembro de OutdoorsyAnfitrión desde julio de 2020

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No hay caravanas disponibles para alquilar

Sara Hage no tiene vehículos disponibles actualmente.

Recuerdos de viajes con las caravanas de Sara Hage

Michael M.

5agosto de 2020

Sara is great! She communicated with ease and took wonderful care of our T@G camper. I recommender her highly!