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Acerca de Ben Tolman

We are the Tolmans! This last year we became a family of 8 with the addition of a daughter in law. Thus the RV that sleeps 10. We love everything about the outdoors and spend as much time there as possible. We have a never ending list of adventures to complete, and are always looking for new places to explore. We will take sandy beaches, snow covered mountains or a shooting range in the desert. As long as we get to do it together as a family we know we will love it. It is our goal to help others have an opportunity to make memories of their own and enjoy the freedom that only a motorhome can give. We have taken great care to make sure our motorhome is safe, clean and ready for you to enjoy. We have put together a super informative operators manual to help make sure that none of your precious vacation time is spent trying to figure out how to make something work.

Miembro de OutdoorsyAnfitrión desde marzo de 2022


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Recuerdos de viajes con las caravanas de Ben Tolman

Jason B.

0julio de 2024

Ben Tolman canceled the booking 2 days before departure. This is an automated posting.

Christina J.

5octubre de 2022

What a great RV. We had an amazing time and can't wait to do it again.