5Acerca de Leah Bruin
My mom, my sister and I have always loved camping and RV’ing so we took the plunge and bought a motorhome together. We are a tight knit, energetic, life loving family who enjoy spending time with family and friends and we happen to think camping or glamping is the perfect way to accomplish this! We love it so much, we thought we’d share our love with others who would like to try it out. Who knows? This could be your first step to also taking the RV ownership plunge! We would love for you to take our baby to help make your vacation memories wonderful. She’s basically turn key and ready to go, just hop in and go where your heart desires. Or, if you need more help, I can help you with planning your trip, stocking it up or even delivery and set up if you need it.
51 caravana disponible para alquilar
Recuerdos de viajes con las caravanas de Leah Bruin
Angie D.
5julio de 2024
Chris N.
5septiembre de 2023
Rob P.
5agosto de 2023
Sean M.
5agosto de 2022
4 fotos enviadas por Sean M.
william T.
5enero de 2022
Steve R.
5agosto de 2021
Holly C.
5junio de 2021
1 foto enviadas por Holly C.
John T.
5mayo de 2021
Highly recommend Leah and her Jayco Greyhawk!
1 foto enviadas por John T.
Tyler N.
5junio de 2020
7 fotos enviadas por Tyler N.
Carime S.
5octubre de 2019
5 fotos enviadas por Carime S.