5Acerca de Jennifer Harasymchuk
Hi there, so happy you are viewing our page. We are a family of 4 with a friendly mixed retriever by our side. We feel so blessed to live where we do, we are surrounded by nature and enjoy the 4 seasons that we get to experience here. We love exploring the great outdoors, this love led us to owning our first camping trailer. We have since sold that one and upgraded to our Geo Pro trailer. We decided to rent it out when we aren't using it so others can have fun staying in comfort while exploring the great outdoors! We try to visit at least 1 new Ontario Provincial Park a year, with that being said we have visited and camped at Algonquin, Killbear, Killarney, Mikisew, Samuel de Champlain, Driftwood, Chutes, Pancake Bay, Grundy, Bon Echo, Fairbank, Marten River, Restoule, Finlayson Point, Esker Lakes, Sauble Falls, as well as at the Bruce Peninsula National Park.
51 caravana disponible para alquilar
Recuerdos de viajes con las caravanas de Jennifer Harasymchuk
Jennifer B.
5agosto de 2024
Daria B.
5julio de 2024
Geordie M.
5septiembre de 2023
Laura C.
5agosto de 2023
Ashley G.
5agosto de 2023
They set the trailer up for us, and our stay was great!
Todd N.
5julio de 2023
Leany B.
5julio de 2023
Lori H.
5junio de 2023
Erin B.
5agosto de 2022