5Acerca de Dean Lisle
At the age of 44, I was admitted to the ICU and almost lost my life to Covid. Almost one year later, I got Covid for the second time and realized that life is too short to be waiting for “someday” to roll around to live the life you want. I decided right then to start living a fuller life because I didn’t know just how much time I had left with my family. You never know when your “someday” will be robbed by your last day. While in quarantine, I started searching the internet for an RV to begin traveling with my family and found the perfect one thousands of miles away. As soon as I was cleared to travel, my girlfriend and I flew to Florida to pick it up, drove it home to Ohio, and immediately started traveling the country with our kiddos. We enjoyed it so much that we felt other families should be able to do this at an affordable price. So, instead of winterizing it to sit empty over the winter in Ohio, we decided to leave it in Vegas where it’s warmer for others to enjoy it. Our mission is to provide an affordable way to vacation with large families, in a fully loaded motorcoach that meets the needs of all ages. We want to help you stop saying “someday” you will travel the country, because your "SomeDay" has arrived!
5Recuerdos de viajes con las caravanas de Dean Lisle
Patrick S.
5agosto de 2024
Kyle W.
5julio de 2024
Carley M.
5julio de 2024
Zach S.
5junio de 2024
0marzo de 2024
David K.
5diciembre de 2023
Sandra M.
5octubre de 2023
Francois-Pierre J.
4agosto de 2023
On the other side, one of the sliders didn’t work and it was a little small for 6 persons this way. Also, the awning was absent so no lights and no roof for outside. It was great but if we knew it before we wouldn’t have taken this RV for sure
1 foto enviadas por Francois-Pierre J.
Lauren A.
5agosto de 2023
Thank you
Chad B.
5julio de 2023
Alan L.
5julio de 2023
2 fotos enviadas por Alan L.
Hector V.
5mayo de 2023
Andria H.
5mayo de 2023
Boris S.
5marzo de 2023
Also, another great thing is that it has two tables - one in front, another in the middle and depending on circumstances you'd want to use both (in case front one is converted into bed).