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Acerca de Jon Hearsch

I am an avid road trip enthusiast who finds great joy in exploring new places. Whether it's with my wife, daughter, and mother, or just the family and our two dogs, we love embarking on adventures together. Working remotely allows me the flexibility to continue my passion for travel while balancing my personal and professional life. Additionally, Disney holds a special place in our hearts, as we have visited the magical world more times than we can even keep track of. Overall, I embrace the joys of family, travel, and the wonderful experiences that life has to offer.

Miembro de OutdoorsyAnfitrión desde mayo de 2023


Índice de respuesta del 77%Suele responder en menos de 6 horas

Recuerdos de viajes con las caravanas de Jon Hearsch

Jaime R.

5agosto de 2023

Eric G.

5julio de 2023

Mark L.

5julio de 2023

Jason K.

5junio de 2023

Wonderful! Jon was so friendly and helpful. We will definitely be renting it again.