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Acerca de Nancy Campos

Hey there! Exploring new places is one of my favorite things to do. One of my favorite trips was spending this last summer in Maine and trying all the different types of lobster rolls! The RV gives so much flexibility to explore places at a slower place and I can't wait for you to experience that as well. When I'm not RV-ing, I enjoy hiking, yoga, picnics, and hanging with my puppy, Oliver.

Miembro de OutdoorsyAnfitrión desde julio de 2023


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Recuerdos de viajes con las caravanas de Nancy Campos

Daniel H.

5agosto de 2024

Fantastic experience from the Hitch Hotel! Reserved it as a retirement gift for my folks who want to get a camper of their own. Hosts gave them the whole run through of how it works and all the ins and outs of camper life. Highly recommended experience for any glampers who want to hit the outdoors!

Dylan A.

5octubre de 2023

The experience was fantastic in the host were very nice and knowledgeable about their RV.