5Acerca de Chris Leimberger
We are a creative, fun-loving, family — my husband, two sons, our special needs cat Roo and another rescue kitty named Rex. My husband and I are professional graphic designers and art directors. We have two, young, and fast-growing kiddos! We love to travel — and travel as often as we're able. In addition to renting out our luxury Airstreams, we freelance and teach as adjunct faculty in Graphic & Web Design at the Art Institute of Atlanta. Oh, and we love baseball (all sports really, but mostly baseball). Go Braves!!
51 caravana disponible para alquilar
Recuerdos de viajes con las caravanas de Chris Leimberger
Peter M.
5septiembre de 2024
Madison M.
5junio de 2023
Blair P.
5octubre de 2019
2 fotos enviadas por Blair P.
Norris B.
5septiembre de 2019
Roger H.
5septiembre de 2019
1 foto enviadas por Roger H.
Wes W.
5septiembre de 2019
Will G.
5septiembre de 2019
She took her time to show us the in's and out's of the trailer and made sure we were comfortable with how everything worked.
There was enough space for the items we brought with us. The bed was really comfortable, the A/C, chills things down nicely; too. Things can still get rather hot over the Labor day weekend. Chris provide two chairs, a table and a welcome sign inside and outside the Sport/Bambi.
3 fotos enviadas por Will G.
Christi M.
5julio de 2019
Carlos B.
5junio de 2019
Eileen M.
5mayo de 2019
Marie a.
5abril de 2019