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Acerca de Chloe Barrozo

My husband Robbie and I purchased our first 25ft long travel trailer together when our son was only three weeks old- Rob was on paternity leave and we were bored of sitting at home drooling over the baby so we decided to go camping and drool at him in a prettier atmosphere. Fast forward two more years and we found out that we were expecting twins so we traded in his truck for a minivan (he LOVES it) and swapped the travel trailer out for a motorhome (more sleeping spaces and easier to manage the hooligans while traveling). We try to take the rig out at least once a month (I like the campsites in coastal North County San Diego and Robbie loves to fish in the mountains) and we always end up making awesome memories with our family of six (can't forget our cockapoo Lola) and hope to share the same opportunity with you!

Miembro de OutdoorsyAnfitrión desde junio de 2024

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