An update for our Outdoorsy owners on cleaning best practices

Team OutdoorsyMarch 11, 2020

An update for our Outdoorsy owners on cleaning best practices

To our owner community,

The coronavirus (COVID-19) is affecting many in our community, whether personally or because of disruptions to their RV rentals or travel plans. And while many renters are choosing to stay home during this uncertain time, some are still considering local trips and future travel.

You may have noticed we’ve added a callout on all our RV listing pages that informs renters of the high standards of safety and cleanliness. This was done to give our renters confidence in what our RV and campervan owners are doing to meet cleaning standards needed right now. 

Here are some other tips and updates for staying safe during your Outdoorsy interactions:

Prioritize your health and safety first.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and hot water. If you’re not near a sink, use hand sanitizer.
  • Practice social distancing.
  • Be mindful of cleanliness. Cover your coughs and sneezes. Try not to touch your face. And when in doubt, wash your hands again. 
  • Don’t accept any bookings should you or a member of your household become ill, or if a renter notifies you they are unwell prior to departure.

Disinfect your RV, motorhome or campervan between trips.

  • Please familiarize yourself with the CDC recommendations on the best cleaning and disinfection measures.
  • When performing key exchanges both departure and return please wash your hands first. Provide the renter with cleaning supplies to further clean the vehicle during their trip, or ask if they’d like to bring their own supplies for use. 
  • Clean and disinfect your RV after each trip with disinfectant wipes or spray. Wipe down the steering wheel, door handles, latches, keys, and any other surfaces that are touched frequently. 

Review some of our top owner FAQs

  • We’ve compiled a list of our answers to the most common questions we are hearing from our owners and renters on our FAQ page here. We’re continuing to add to it in real time. It will be our most extensive resource — so you might want to bookmark it.

Where can I go if I have questions? 

  • Call us anytime on 1-877-723-7232 as our 24/7 customer support team – a dedicated team of real people – is here to help. They continue to work around the clock to assist with any questions. 
  • Join our Outdoorsy RV Owner Community for round-the-clock helpful conversation and updates for our RV and campervan owners. 

Thank you for your support and trust. We consider our owners to be part of our extended family. These are challenging circumstances, and we will endure this and any other challenge we face together. 

We’re glad to have you with us, 

Team Outdoorsy

Team Outdoorsy, Outdoorsy Author

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