5 family-friendly ghost stories to tell in the dark

Lizzie DragonOctober 21, 2021

5 family-friendly ghost stories to tell in the dark

Gather around the campfire! With Halloween approaching, it’s the perfect time to share some spooky stories. Here are 5 family-friendly to send shivers down your spine.

The Ribbon

Image Source: scaryforkids.com

The story of the ribbon is about a young woman who accessorizes with a ribbon around her neck. The twist? She can’t take it off, under any circumstances. The only way to find out why is to read.

The Vanishing Hitchhiker

Image Source: liveabout.com

Sure to raise some goosebumps, the story of the vanishing hitchhiker is one of mystery. It tells the tale of a young woman hitchhiker who asks for a ride from some newlyweds, only to leave before they drop her off. The setting of this story is Jamestown, North Carolina, so be careful if your RV road trip takes you through that neck of woods on a rainy night.

The Hook

Image Source: scaryforkids.com

What started as a pleasant evening for a young couple turns into a time of terror. Not far from where the lovebirds were parked, a crazed murderer had escaped. His most noticeable feature? A hook hand.

The Smiling Man

Image Source: creepypasta.fandom.com

A man goes for a walk one evening and runs into a man in a suit, smiling at the sky. Hence, the name “The Smiling Man.” Doesn’t seem too scary, right? Well, take our word for it. This one is sure to leave you with an eerie feeling.

The Wolf Girl

Image Source: scary-stories.fandom.com

If you find yourself around a campfire in Texas, this may just be the scary story for you. The story of the Wolf Girls takes place in the Rio Grande, near the Devil’s River. It is there that a girl is seen running and hunting with the wolves.

Happy Halloween

‘Tis the season for ghost stories and s’mores! So build your campfire and gather around for some spooky tales and family fun.

And if you’re looking for more Halloween festivities, check out these blogs:

Happy Halloween!

Lizzie Dragon, Outdoorsy Author

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