Meet The Owners: Miranda West

Chelsea GonzalesAugust 19, 2019

Meet The Owners: Miranda West

“I hope my RV gets folks to enjoy the great outdoors while having some luxuries,” Miranda West tells us when asked what she hopes her business does for others. “It always brings me great joy when parents are bringing their kids camping!”


We totally get this—seeing people having a blast in the great outdoors is amazing, especially when you’re an outdoorsy person yourself, and Miranda definitely is. “We frequently camp (at least once a month) in an off-road trailer my husband built,” she shares. 

She goes on to explain how they ended up with a full-fledged RV. “Unfortunately, the off-road trailer lacks air conditioning, and living in Texas, that limited our summer camping. My husband has several co-workers that have owned and rented RVs, so we decided to give the renting thing a try to see if it would pay off the travel trailer we only use one season a year. We chose Outdoorsy because my husband’s co-workers have had great success with the site!”


So, the Wests listed their trailer. However, they did have to wait a bit for their newfound business to take off. “We didn’t get a request for four weeks,” Miranda says. “However, after I did enough tweaking on my listing and added better photos, it started renting.”  Since then, the RV has done quite well, bringing in over $2,500 in just a few months.  

This success is wonderful news because it means the West family can keep their summer camping rig, something Miranda really appreciates. “I loved being at the beach in the summer and having air conditioning and a shower! We do some really primitive camping, so this was luxury for me.”


It also means Mrs. West can keep meeting the wonderful people she’s met through Outdoorsy, something she’s really loved about running her business. “I enjoy meeting all the renters and learning about different outdoor venues I have not myself been to,” West says. “I love when my renters send me pictures of their family having fun with the travel trailer. I also often have them bring me back brochures on where they have stayed and information on what they have done.”

All About Miranda  

Favorite morning beverage: “Coffee”


Favorite campsite meal: “Loaded breakfast hash”


Music you like to play on the radio: “Classic rock”


Best game to play on the road or at your campsite: “Uno Attack”


Favorite season: “Spring or fall”


If you could travel anywhere in an RV, where would you go? ‪“Yellowstone National Park‬”

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