Why now can be a great time to travel in an RV

Team OutdoorsyMarch 24, 2020

Why now can be a great time to travel in an RV

We are living through a bizarre moment — strange phrases like social distancing are the new normal; grocery stores are struggling to keep up with toilet paper demands, and school is out for summer in many states.

The coronavirus chaos begs some questions:
“What should I do with my kids during the outbreak?”
“Where is the safest place for my family right now?”
“Can I go anywhere with all of these quarantines?”

The internet would have you believe that you need to hole yourself up in your house until this all blows over. But when practiced responsibly – and in accordance with local regulations – in some instances, you can practice social distancing on the move.

You might say we’re biased — and you’d be right — but we think this can be a great time to go camping with your family (unless there is a specific government order not to travel). Here’s why RV travel can be your best bet for keeping the family safe and happy. 

Disclaimer: Your safety is our highest priority. This article is about the general and potential benefits of RV travel during these difficult times. If you are at higher risk for the coronavirus, please follow your doctor’s guidelines on COVID-19 travel safety.

In nature is one of the safest places to be

If you and your family are stuck at home right now, there’s no better time to jump in an RV and head into nature. Outdoor activities, when practiced responsibly, are a safe part of social distancing practices, and it can be a good thing to get outside and play

An RV road trip lets you create the level of social distancing you want for your family; it lets you entertain the kids with the great outdoors, and it lets you reconnect with the things that matter.

Many RV campgrounds are open

RV travel is one of the best ways to road trip anytime, but it’s especially appealing right now. Most national parks are open to visitors, some BLM lands are taking campers, and many private campgrounds are accepting RVs nationwide. While it’s true that some state campgrounds have temporarily closed, many RV destinations are still beckoning you and your family to explore. 

Whatever your game plan, be sure to check for any camping restrictions at the specific parks you want to visit. Although a park may be open for day use, it might be closed to camping.

The world can be your school

School is closed, but the learning doesn’t have to stop. By traveling in an RV, you will open the door to thousands of educational opportunities. 

For example, you could teach your kids about the unique plant life in a natural preserve, search for a geocache with your family near your campground, or even teach your little ones about wildlife on some epic hikes.

RV travel is especially affordable right now

It’s no secret that the coronavirus stopped many travel plans…

Because travel is slowing down, Outdoorsy owners are offering RV rental discounts all over the country, and, at the time of this post, many national parks are offering free entry. Better deals mean that you can plan an economical and safe road trip for you and your family. 


Toilet paper shortages and social distancing are our new normal for now, but that doesn’t mean you have to go stir crazy in your house. With work and school moving to online models, RVing is one of the best ways to practice social distancing on the move.

Team Outdoorsy, Outdoorsy Author

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