Owners of the Week: Ken and Christine McCafferty

Chelsea GonzalesMay 3, 2021

Owners of the Week: Ken and Christine McCafferty

“Chris texted me on a Thursday morning at 10:00 am and said, ‘I think we should get an RV to rent to others,’” Ken McCafferty tells us. This text sparked their decision to get an RV. “That following Tuesday evening at 6:00 pm, we closed the deal and drove our new-to-us rental RV home!”

Yes, the couple jumped into the RV rental world that quickly. That said, this wasn’t their first experience with an RV. “The idea to rent came about because we have another, larger Class C that we have used to travel around the United States,” says Ken. “There is so much to see, and the best way to see it all is from the front seat of an RV. We wanted to share our travel experience with others without them having to take on the burden of buying their own RV.”

It seems their desire to share the joy of RVing has been fulfilled. This couple has been extremely successful. “We listed our RV on a Friday evening and within 24 hours had our first booking,” Ken recounts. “Within a week we had four bookings, and within three weeks we had the entire summer booked!”

How did they book up so quickly? Ken has a few ideas why renters might be attracted to his rig. “Our pricing is extremely competitive and we don’t nickel-and-dime our renters. Sure, this is a sole source of income for some owners, but we don’t intend on getting rich on RV rentals. We just want to share our love of travel with others, and if that comes with a little extra cash…well, who are we to argue?”

That said, even with all their successes, Ken and Chris have also had a few hiccups of their own. “Our first renters encountered a mechanical issue while on their trip,” Ken shares, “but they were awesome about the whole situation. Even though they had a mechanical setback, they still had an amazing trip!”

Overall, even with setbacks like that one, the McCaffertys have had a wonderful experience renting their RV. “Outdoorsy is very easy to understand, listing is super easy, and there is a lot of support from the platform,” Ken says. “Plus, the platform handles all the insurance which is a huge burden off of the owners’ shoulders. The roadside assistance has been amazing to work with, and having the ability to either call owner support or open a chat is great as well!” 

Ken’s advice for those looking into renting? “Don’t wait, get going now,” he urges. “Buy a decent unit and price it to rent. If the RV isn’t rented and is sitting in storage, that’s not doing anyone any good.” 

All About Ken and Chris

Favorite morning beverage: “Coffee.”

Favorite campsite meal: “Tacos.”

Music you like to play on the radio: “Christian.”

Best game to play on the road or at your campsite: “Phase 10 or UNO.”

Favorite season: “Fall.”

Last photo you took: “Our RV!”

What’s your Outdoorsy spirit animal? “Dog.”

If you could travel anywhere in an RV, where would you go? “Every National Park in the system!”


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