Social distancing? Practice it outdoors.

Team OutdoorsyMarch 24, 2020

Social distancing? Practice it outdoors.

Trust a pandemic to remind us all how important our health is. The coronavirus is a genuine health threat around the world right now. One of the best ways to keep our families and communities safe in these uncertain times is to practice social distancing. By minimizing our contact with each other, we can all do our part to help slow the spread of this virus.

But solitude isn’t good for people over the long term. And sunlight and fresh air can be powerful factors in staying healthy. Fortunately, nature isn’t canceled. There are ways you and your family can enjoy the great outdoors and still keep yourself safe from the coronavirus. 

Go on an RV road trip

The beauty of RV travel is that you bring your accommodation with you. So instead of checking into a hotel, you can stay in your vehicle. Stock up on cleaning products and disinfectant to make sure you can keep your accommodation  – and any stops you have to make along the way – virus free.

With countries closing their borders and air travel becoming more difficult, a road trip starts to look like the ideal getaway to escape the noise of the city. In the self-contained environment of an RV, you’ll have more control over possible exposure to infection compared to airline travel. And with gas prices at record lows, RV travel may not only keep you safe but may also be more affordable than ever. Just remember to wipe down gas pump handles and buttons before and after you use them to help cut down on the spread of the virus in the communities you’re driving through.

No matter where you live, there’s likely to be lots of places you could head for on a road trip of a couple of days or even longer. And since it’s better to avoid large gatherings of people, this is the perfect time to explore some less-visited parks and recreation areas. Just be aware that some campgrounds may be closed or have limited amenities, and always follow the travel regulations from state and local authorities to protect your family and communities you may be traveling to.

Go camping

Camping may be the ultimate social distancing getaway. The more self-sufficient you can be at a time like this, the better. A good campsite — especially one that is not as well-known — allows you to keep a safe distance from any other campers and experience the restorative powers of nature. It’s also a great way to keep kids occupied while the schools are closed.

And you don’t need a lot of fancy equipment — dust off your tent and head out into the wilderness to leave the chaos behind for a while. Just be sure to check for any camping restrictions at any parks you plan to visit. Although a park may be open for day use, it might be closed to camping.

Have a picnic

While you may want to get away for an extended period, it’s not always practical — or necessary. Even a few hours outdoors can help to boost your mood and remind you that even in a time of crisis, life goes on. Plus, time spent outside can also help to boost your immune system.

A great way to get outdoors without spending too much money is to make a picnic and take it to a nearby park. Going on a picnic will allow you to get some fresh air and exercise and see something other than the inside of your home, while still maintaining that critical distance from other people. Set aside an afternoon and pack up some of your favorite foods to enjoy under the sky. 

Explore somewhere new

Is there a place you’ve wanted to visit for a while? This might be the ideal time. When you’re practicing social distancing, it’s better to visit lesser-known places that are off the beaten path. You can’t catch the coronavirus from a tree, after all. Hit the road less traveled, and who knows? Maybe you’ll discover a new favorite place.


Disclaimer: Your safety is our highest priority. This article is about the general and potential benefits of RV travel during these difficult times. ALWAYS follow the guidelines of your state and local officials. If you are at higher risk for the coronavirus, please follow your doctor’s guidelines on COVID-19 travel safety.

Team Outdoorsy, Outdoorsy Author

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