How to support Zion National Park from a distance during the coronavirus

Team OutdoorsyApril 16, 2020

How to support Zion National Park from a distance during the coronavirus

From the breath-taking beauty of the 15-mile long Zion Canyon to the variety of life zones, mountains, monoliths, and mesas, there’s a lot to love about Zion National Park. This national park near Springdale in southwestern Utah sees millions of visitors annually, and it’s most certainly one that’s deserving of support during National Park Week. 

If it’s not the multitude of outdoor adventure opportunities that astound all who visit, then it’s the unique geography. In over 146,000 acres of land, the park provides woodland, coniferous forest, desert, and riparian life zones to the hundreds of animal and plant species that call it home. 

However, as the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, sweeps across the globe, you may be wondering, is Zion National Park open? Currently, it’s not, but all that means is that you can show support for the park and National Park Week in a different way. Read on to find out how. 

Join the Zion National Park volunteer program

As most people know, National Park Week,  April 18-26, is a way in which to celebrate America’s treasures — the most abundant of which are national parks and forests. 

While you may not be able to explore the parks in person right now, you can lay the groundwork to offer your support once the park reopens. A way to do that is with the Zion National Park Volunteer Program. 

There are several groups as well as individual volunteering opportunities for those who want to dedicate their time and talent to one of the most beautiful natural attractions in the country. Some of these volunteering tasks include managing campgrounds, removing invasive plant species, running the Visitor Center desks, and patrolling the backcountry. 

Nature doesn’t stop needing a helping hand — even in the wake of a pandemic — so consider offering your services once Zion National Park reopens. 

Make a donation

Nature lovers across America may wish to celebrate National Park Week with a donation to their favorite national park charity. Have you enjoyed your time meandering through the many wonderful trails and tracks of Zion National Park? Then there’s no better way to show thanks than with a monetary donation. All funds go towards operations and projects within the park, or for the purpose you identified. 

Be a part of the Zion National Park Forever Project

A one-off donation during National Park week is much appreciated by those who manage Zion National Park. Still, you can also take your generosity one step further. 

The Zion National Park Forever Project aims to improve the park today so that it can protect it forever. Through generous donations and group activities, they accomplish amazing things like trail restoration, youth education, art preservation, building restoration, and natural resource management. 

Spread the word

As Helen Keller once said,”Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” National Park Week offers everyone the opportunity to spread the word about their favorite national park. Even if you can’t provide financial support, you can be a part of the educational movement. 

Learn about the ecosystems, threats, animal life, and plant life that make up Zion National Park, and then educate others. The more you learn about the park, and the more passionate you become, the greater your power to preserve this natural slice of paradise in Utah. 


National Park Week is an annual event that encourages people to explore national parks from their doorstep. The coronavirus may have put a halt on your ability to support Zion National Park in person, but it opened the door wide open for other ways you can help. 

Think about donating, learning more about the park, and getting involved in volunteering programs. Then, once the park reopens, you can be in a better position to support it in the most effective ways.

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