The Oklahoma RV Pro Host with Two Class C’s

Team OutdoorsyFebruary 19, 2017

The Oklahoma RV Pro Host with Two Class C’s

1. How did you decide to buy your first RV? Why did you start renting it out?

I’ve always wanted an RV.  Since I was way too young to afford one.  We finally decided to just do it!!

Oklahoma RV rental
Tim owns a 2013 Jayco Greyhawk.

2. What’s your happiest memory or best trip in an RV?

My happiest RV memory was definitely taking to OU Texas weekend and hanging out with my son in Dallas.  It was a perfect weekend.

Oklahoma RV Owner Story

3. What’s a bad or crazy moment you had in an RV?

I once towed my jeep for a quarter mile with the e-brake on. Luckily we didn’t destroy it!!

Oklahoma RV
Tim rents out a meticulously clean Thor Motor Coach Chateau on Outdoorsy.

4. What dreams do you have for the rental income you will earn with your RV rental business?

We are focused on getting better every day.

Oklahoma RV
(Tim’s a veteran who’s always thinking of ways to help others get out and see the country they fought for.)

We want our renters to have the very best experience possible. We figure if we can do that, the money side will take care of itself.

5. Do you have a favorite place in your area to RV?

Oklahoma RV

We love taking it to Grand Lake here in Oklahoma.  There is also a great KOA just east of OKC. This summer we are planning to take it to the Minnesota area to watch some baseball and visit the Mall of America.

Oklahoma RV


Rent one of Tim’s two great Class C’s. You’ll get to see Oklahoma in a whole new way!

Team Outdoorsy, Outdoorsy Author

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