Avoiding tire blowouts can be the difference between an RV day from heaven or hell. Do you want to deal with replacing a tire and repairing RV damage when you could be on the road headed to a fun-filled destination?
Luckily there are a few things RV owners can do in order to avoid the vast majority of tire blowouts during their travels. These tips are especially important if you’re RVing in a hot climate like Texas, where tire blowouts are increasingly common in the hot year-round weather.
Follow the top tips below on how to prevent an RV tire blowout and keep your travels carefree and happy!
Check tread
Just as tires on a car need to be replaced from time to time, RV tires should also be kept up with. This means checking your tire tread on a regular basis (whether with a penny or a quarter) and replacing your tires as soon as the tread begins to show signs of wear or if any other signs of wear or damage occur, especially if you live in a hot climate.

Additionally, all RV tires must be replaced after five years whether or not they have been used or show wear.
Fill tires properly
Every RV and every set of RV tires has a different set of rules when it comes to inflation levels. Be sure to educate yourself on the proper inflation of your tires and keep the air pressure at the correct level at all times. This will decrease the risk of a blowout by preventing the tires from overheating.
Keep tabs on your weight
A trailer or motorhome that is overloaded, or a rig that has been loaded unevenly, can cause too much weight on the tires and lead to a blowout. Be sure to stay well within the recommended weight limit of your trailer and pack everything in as evenly as possible in order to avoid this issue.
Always double-check to prevent a tire blowout
Every RV owner should make a habit of walking one full circle around their entire rig before every trip. Doing this will ensure problems with the tires are noticed before you get going, making every trip a safer trip.

Important: The Outdoorsy insurance program requires that you have your tires checked every 90 days.
Hit the road without worries
Sometimes even the most careful of us run into problems on the road. This is where roadside assistance comes in. Roadside assistance makes bad situations a bit better by having help close at hand, no matter where you happen to be.
By following these tire safety tips, you can avoid most issues and keep your travels as worry-free as possible.