Am I allowed to travel locally in California during the coronavirus?

Team OutdoorsyApril 27, 2020

Am I allowed to travel locally in California during the coronavirus?

With the continually changing rules and regulations surrounding the coronavirus, many people are asking, “Am I allowed to travel within California during the COVID-19 pandemic?” These are confusing times for people across the world, with the landscape of this outbreak changing from day to day. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways you can stay prepared and help your state mitigate the effects of COVID-19.

Am I allowed to travel locally in California during the coronavirus? 

On March 19, 2020, the Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, implemented a stay-at-home order, requiring most non-essential businesses to close for the foreseeable future. With these California travel restrictions in place, the government advised residents to stay at home unless they’re shopping for food, seeking medical care, or exercising. Only those with jobs deemed essential, such as those in the health care sector, should attend work. Anyone exercising should adhere to social distancing guidelines.

Those living or working in busy metropolitan areas like Los Angeles, San Francisco, or Sacramento should be especially cautious, as densely populated areas are the worst affected by the coronavirus. 

Can I travel to California during the COVID-19 pandemic? 

Many people across the United States are wondering if they can travel to California during the coronavirus for business or to visit family. Many domestic flights across the United States have been canceled as a result of the coronavirus, with bordering states Arizona, Oregon, and Nevada also issuing stay-at-home orders for the time being. These orders mean nobody should travel across the California state line unless it’s absolutely necessary. Exceptions include traveling to perform essential work, importing and exporting goods, and carrying out government business.

How can I help stop the spread of COVID-19 in California?

As well as avoiding travel in California during the COVID-19 pandemic, there are lots of ways you can help slow the spread of the virus in your community. Wash your hands with soap for at least 40 seconds, especially after venturing outdoors and coming into contact with others. Many people across the world are donning face masks to protect themselves, and local officials recommend this practice in California. However, many medical professionals state these masks only stop the wearer from infecting others and do not help prevent infection. It is still best to maintain a proper social distance at all times, even with a mask in place.

Residents should avoid traveling in California during the coronavirus, both statewide and locally. Anybody venturing out of their house to buy groceries should do so only when necessary. Once you’ve returned home, sterilize your items as an extra safety measure.

One of the most important tools in slowing the spread of COVID-19 is social distancing. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states that individuals should stay at least six feet apart at all times. Meeting up with friends is not allowed, and all major gatherings in California are postponed until further notice. These regulations mean that anybody traveling in California during the COVID-19 pandemic should do so on their own or with other members of their household. 

Stay updated on restrictions online and through social media

As mentioned, the ever-changing landscape of coronavirus restrictions means that staying up to date with your local government is more important than ever. Many news agencies offer up-to-the-minute coverage of COVID-19. The Washington Post provides regularly updated information on stay-at-home orders and business closures for each state. Residents can also keep up-to-date with national and worldwide guidelines through the CDC and World Health Organization (WHO) resources. These organizations provide detailed information on what to do if you become sick and how to care for sick or vulnerable relatives. The WHO also features updates on how the world is managing the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Anyone wanting to keep up with COVID-19 in California can also do so through Governor Gavin Newsom’s official Twitter and Facebook channels, which provide daily updates on news and restrictions. 


Team Outdoorsy is here to help you along your journey. If you have questions or concerns about your upcoming RV rental, give us a call at 1-877-723-7232, send us an email, or start a chat. And for a continuously updated list of frequently asked COVID-19 questions relating to RV travel, visit our FAQ page.

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